To Seal or not To Seal. That is the question.

Should you seal concrete?

While unsealed concrete is a very durable product, applying a good quality sealer every few years will prolong its life.  Concrete is a porous material that readily absorbs moisture and liquids. In freeze-thaw climates, moisture can soak into concrete, freeze, expand, and create cracks.  Unsealed concrete may be more prone to spalling and flaking.  Oil, salt, lawn chemicals, and spills from greasy foods and beverages (think red wine) can stain, discolor and damage unsealed concrete.

Benefits of Sealing

  • Extends the life of the concrete.

  • Provides a protective barrier to keep moisture out.

  • Prevents cracks, chips and spalling.

  • Adds a glossy sheen to bring out a rich, deeper color.

  • Prevents damage from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

By |2023-02-13T18:24:06+00:00October 23rd, 2022|Articles|

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