
About mvmcon

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So far mvmcon has created 3 blog entries.

To Seal or not To Seal. That is the question.

By |2023-02-13T18:24:06+00:00October 23rd, 2022|Articles|

Should you seal concrete? While unsealed concrete is a very durable product, applying a good quality sealer every few years will prolong its life.  Concrete is a porous material that readily absorbs moisture and liquids. In freeze-thaw climates, moisture can soak into concrete, freeze, expand, and create cracks.  Unsealed concrete may be more

Fortville, Indiana Driveway Project

By |2023-02-13T18:37:02+00:00October 22nd, 2022|Projects, Residential|

Gray Broom Concrete Driveway & Parking Apron Replacement of existing gravel driveway with a new concrete driveway comprised of a compacted base and rebar.  Also included an expansion of the parking apron in front of the garage. Gray broom concrete finish 180 foot long by 10 foot wide driveway 50

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